WOD instructions and video's

Week WOD instructions: every week starts with a collection of video's explaining the breathing positions and/or stretching positions and other exercises that are programmed in the WODs that week. When you forgot what an exercise looked like or when you're not sure, return to this chapter in the lesson menu on the left.

WOD specific instructions: at the bottom of every WOD is a collection of video's or photo's explaining the breathing positions and/or stretch positions for that specific WOD that is not in that Week's WOD Instructions chapter.

Throughout the program you may also encounter breathing patterns that look like this for example: 4/3/7

  • breathing patterns are divided into timeframes in seconds divided by a dash
  • the first number is the inhale so in this example 4 means a steady inhale of 4 seconds
  • the second number dictates how long you hold that intake in this instance you hold that breath for 3 seconds
  • the third number is the exhale so in this example 7 means a long steady exhale of 7 seconds

So 3 reps of 4/3/7 means 3 reps of a 4-second inhale, a 3-second hold and a 7-second exhale, take as long as you need to complete the 3 reps, we're after quality not speed

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