Welcome to the Bulletproof Breathing Program

In WODMASTERY philosophy breathing is the foundation upon which everything else is built. Physical conditioning, mental conditioning, skills, strategies, tactics, life, business, high performance, well-being and happiness. In this TED talk video, Dr Belisa Vranich explains why breathing is so important, why you're doing it wrong, why SWAT, Homeland Security and Special Forces are spearheading proper breathing techniques and more:

Effective breathing technique can lead to

  • enhanced performance
  • enhanced recovery
  • increased mobility and flexibility
  • improved stress management
  • improved performance under pressure
  • enhanced longevity: you live longer
  • overall improved health
  • reduced back and neck pain
  • more absolute strength, explosive power and cardiovascular endurance
  • more effective central nervous system
  • and last but not least: it will make you feel amazing

We've created the Bulletproof Breathing program to introduce you to breathing as a skill: to be trained, conditioned and used as a tool. This on-ramp program teaches the basics and nurtures effective breathing habits to get the most of our daily programming series and other programs and courses. It focuses primarily on these 3 fundamental elements:

  1. diaphragmatic breathing technique
  2. mindful breathing/breath awareness
  3. nasal breathing

Difficulty: beginner

Tools: none

Program structure: 4 weeks, 7 WODs per week

WOD duration: 3-10 minutes

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